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Looking to spend more time outdoors this summer? You’re in good company. Three out of four of Americans wish they spent more time relaxing outside, according to a recent poll. Who can blame you, when spending time outdoors in a natural setting (like a well-landscaped back yard)  is so good for you that healthcare practitioners are starting to prescribe 20-minute “nature pills” to counteract the stress of daily life.

Stepping onto your patio is the fastest, most convenient way to get that vital dose of peace and calm in nature—but if your patio doesn’t inspire you, it can be easy to overlook. You may not need a complete patio rebuild to spark that inspiration, though: a simple change of décor can work wonders. Check out these fresh patio furniture trends for ideas to get you—and your friends and family—loving outdoor living again in 2019!

Natural, Meet Bold

This year’s outdoor décor palettes get their inspiration from Nature, with two color trends predominating: bold, earthy tones; and vibrant—but sophisticated—jewel hues. Think of the colors of natural stone, sand, and wood (including driftwood), possibly combined with the colors of sea and sky (with perhaps an occasional splash of Pantone’s color of the year, “Living Coral”), and you’ll get the picture.

Now, take these colors and incorporate them into patio furniture with clean, modern lines and built to last, and that’s the trending aesthetic of 2019. Patterns? Yes, but don’t go crazy. Use bold stripes, zig-zags, or two-tone floral patterns sparingly to add a little energy where needed while maintaining a restful, welcoming vibe. Do feel free to mix and match materials, though. With neutral colors predominating, this year’s furniture often features daring textural combinations such as bamboo and burlap, metal and wood, or linen and driftwood.

Less is More

But don’t go crazy: 2019 is all about understated elegance. If you’re wondering if a certain combination is too much, it probably is. Keeping contrasts down to two or three elements at most will help keep your outdoor space in the zone of peace and relaxation.

In keeping with this year’s clean, uncluttered aesthetic, multifunctionality is a recurring theme for outdoor living designers in 2019. A bulky couch, for instance, may reveal a practical side: storage space under the cushions. Or, flipping the top off a wicker footstool may reveal a hidden cooler to keep that special stash of bubbly or beer. 

Cozy Comfort

Clean and modern doesn’t have to look sterile or uninviting, and the patio furniture trends of 2019 prove it. Comfy couches; big, curvy chairs; and plenty of pillows all help to bringing the indoor aesthetic outside and encourage spending time in the open air.

Another trending patio theme takes lounging to the next level. Hammocks and hanging chairs provide a cool and inviting alternative sure to keep family and guests cool even on the hottest summer days of 2019.   

International Flair

Love to travel? You can’t be on vacation all the time, but you can bring the flavor of your favorite foreign places back home to enjoy right in your own backyard. Recreate the look of a Paris café with a round patio table and café chairs. Create a Japanese aesthetic with a low, lacquered table and tatami mats. Or, bring in potted palms for a tropical look. Regardless of where in the world you want to recreate, your local landscape professional can help you select appropriate plantings—or perhaps a water feature, gazebo, or fire pit—to match.

Accessorize for the Occasion

With this year’s clean appeal and minimalist looks, it’s easy to dress your patio up or down according to your favorite activities. Have you opted to go the “cozy couch route”? Complete the outdoor living room look with a side table, lamp, and outdoor flat screen TV, and invite all your friends over to watch the game. Got a wedding in the family this summer? String garlands overhead, and add planters overflowing with seasonal color. Love to do yoga or Pilates? Ask your landscape provider to set you up with a sound system to stretch out to your favorite relaxing tunes outdoors.

Let There Be Light

Living outdoors doesn’t have to stop when the sun goes down. There are many ways to incorporate lighting into your patio design so you can enjoy your own brand of outdoor night life.

String lights are a popular patio lighting option for 2019. These inexpensive LED fixtures lend a festive touch to any outdoor space, and can be strung in many creative ways. But it doesn’t have to stop there. Ask your local landscape company about the wide range of landscape lighting options available these days – including ones that allow you to put on breathtaking patio lighting displays right from your cell phone or tablet.

Fire Up the Fun

Outdoor lighting isn’t the only way to light up the night on your patio. Fire has fascinated mankind since the dawn of time, and fire fixtures are perennial favorite patio additions. In 2019, choose between a full blown fireplace to round out your outdoor living room, or a traditional fire pit. Especially hot this year are fire tables, which combine the primal aesthetic of flames into a piece of sleek or rustic contemporary furniture.

In 2019, there are countless excellent patio furniture and accessory options available, both online and in brick and mortar stores. Don’t be afraid to let your imagination lead as you select the pieces that inspire you—and remember, whatever makes you feel most relaxed and at home outside is the right choice for you!

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