Use your yard long after Labor Day
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American backyards are where toddlers learn to kick a ball, where pets roam and where busy adults sink into hammocks and patio chairs to unwind. Thanks to millions of industry professionals around the country, lawns and landscapes provide a relaxing sanctuary to spend time in nature with family and are indeed the root of happiness. Yards are good for our health, good for our communities and good for the environment.
Healthy Lawns and Landscapes Enrich Our Neighborhoods
This spring, as people are spending more time than usual at home, Americans realize healthy lawns and landscapes have a positive impact on neighborhoods and communities. They are more peaceful, more relaxing and provide a calming environment for families to enjoy.
Healthy Landscapes Are Good for the Environment
Landscapes are often taken for granted. They are appreciated for their beauty but many people don’t understand the essential value they provide the environment. Here are some facts that may surprise you. Healthy landscapes:
What Makes a Healthy Landscape?
Like all living things, grass, plants and trees need care and attention to ensure their good health. A healthy lawn does not mean one that’s simply been mowed and given water. A healthy shrub isn’t one that’s merely been pruned. Healthy landscapes need to be managed with a high degree of know-how, the support of science, and often, a dose of chemistry — so that families, communities, and our environment can derive the full benefits they provide.
To learn more about the essential benefits available from lawns and landscapes, talk to a landscape professional who is committed to helping families, communities, and the environment.
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