
When you retain a professional landscape contractor to design and install a landscape, renovate an old one, or mow and maintain your property’s existing landscape, you’re hiring experts with proven experience. The best in the business take their work very seriously, stay up to date with regional issues and trends and take advantage of the resources offered by state, regional, and national associations.

In addition, they have insurance and safety programs in place to protect their employees and your business. They are licensed to conduct business in your state and locality.   

Landscape professionals don’t expect clients to know everything about their business but here are a few things they wished you knew:

  1. The service they provide is not a commodity, something that just any landscape company can deliver. Landscape companies are not all alike. They don’t all have the same equipment, the same number of highly trained employees, and the same dedication to service. In other words, the lowest price service provider is not always the best choice to deliver the level of service you expect.
  2. Landscape professionals don’t have a magic wand. The problems with your grass, trees, and other landscaping elements didn’t happen overnight. They’ve been there awhile before you noticed them, which means they likely will take some time to correct.  If you are bringing in a firm to help with these problems, allow them time to resolve them.  
  3. Their recommendations are based on years of experience. Landscape professionals provide a wide array of services. They mow and maintain lawns, prune shrubs and trees, apply fertilizers and herbicides, create beautiful color beds, design and construct outdoor kitchens and water features, and install and maintain irrigation systems, among providing other landscape related services both outdoors and indoors.  They don’t expect you to agree with all their recommendations, but at a minimum to least consider their suggestions before making a decision.
  4. The service you’re getting is not the only service they offer. Many landscape companies are full-service providers and, as mentioned above, can perform a wide variety of services to maintain or enhance your commercial property. Even if they can’t do something that seems out of the ordinary, they likely know some company or someone who can. Before assuming that you need another company to perform a different task, talk with your landscape professional.  The firm is already familiar with your property and may be in the best position to offer you or arrange for the new service.
  5. That landscapes are not static; they evolve. There’s more to maintaining a landscape than mowing. Trees and shrubs continually grow, sunny areas become shady, and areas that may have originally needed a lot of watering can now do with much less moisture. Putting your landscape on a maintenance and inspection schedule will keep it looking great and save you money in the long run.   

Your landscape contractor should be a trusted advisor and business partner in the care and maintenance of your property’s landscape. Understanding the contractor’s business and how to maximize the benefits of the relationship will undoubtedly provide for greater understanding and ultimately a more productive collaboration.

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